So winter is making a last ditch effort tonight with a mega snow storm (we’re talking at least a foot of snow!), unfortunately. Ordinarily, I like March snow (borderline love) but for the past week, spring sprung! We’ve had warm temps, with rain and fog eating the dirty snow piles and turning driveways and roadsides into giant mud puddles. We were starting to see grass and I was visualizing where my raised garden beds would go. And despite the snow, I still have plans for tomorrow. Plans for a bus trip leaving at 7:00 in the morning for the annual March trek to Boston for the New England Flower Show! I am so looking forward to St. Patrick’s Day in Boston! A day filled with fragrant blossoms and fabulous garden design, venders of all kinds showing off their wares and then off to Quincy Market to wander the shops and the streets and possibly pop into the Purple Shamrock for a pint or two…if we can get in! Oh I can’t wait! I love the hussle and bussle down there, the crush of people, the culture and diversity, getting to try the various foods. Oh, how I love it! I don’t get down there much anymore, you see my mother is a Bostonian and we used to visit frequently when I was a kid. My mum’s the oldest of 6 kids (big Irish family with Newfoundland roots). Two of her sisters and one of her brothers lived down there, so family gatherings were a big deal. Of course with some big families, not everyone gets along, so big family gatherings are sadly now a thing of the past. But we still try to pop down, especially when my aunt is up visiting from Maryland (her son now owns the house they used to live in).

These are pictures from last year. Oh, the place smelled wonderful! The lilacs were in bloom and dogwoods and cherry smelled earthy and green and really recharged the soul!

Anyhoo, I promise lots of pictures and stories from the day!
Have a fabulous weekend!
"Left to my own devices, I’d fritter the day away…"
Hee, hee... great title. Fritter is such a marvellous word.
see you, g
I'm very behind on my blogging visits too, where has time gone this year? Hope you have a great time in Boston.
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