So after my unfocused day the other day, I came home to a little surprise in my mailbox!
A package all the way from Portugal. The ever lovely Paula, sent me a little package chocked full o’ goodies!
I totally needed a Smarties fix - and the fruity ones…just like Skittles!
The most wonderful ribbon – I want to do so much with it but I don’t have the heart to cut it. I just want to stare at it and pet it and show everyone and say, “isn’t it lovely?”
Kitty Fabric...sweet, colorful kitties. LOVE!

The colors, the shapes, the sizes.

Thank you, Paula – you are so very dear!
I wish the colors were captured better, but we’ve had a few dreary days here. Oh and you know how I mentioned the cooler, autumn weather…yeah, GONE! Completely replaced by a humid, rain soaked morning and a hazy 80° F day, something that is supposed to last through next week…next week, which I specifically took off to do some sheet rocking and kitchen renovation finishing because it was supposed to be cool. Ah, how Mother Nature likes to mess with my head!
I need to do a garden update soon (it’s looking like a jungle!) and a Juli’s quilt w.i.p. update, since I finished the strips and will probably put them together this weekend. But I will leave that for next week.
Have a lovely weekend. I’ll post sporadically next week…in between house projects.
Oh what a wonderful parcel from Paula, I'm supper jealous of those gorgeous buttons. Hope you have a wonderful weekend too.
so happy that you enjoyed everything and that it came at the right moment.
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