
I can't wait to see that space totally empty, to get the compost in, seed it and have a lawn again!! I'm giddy with the thought!
I know I blogged about this last year...but tis the season and this year, I'm actually getting stuff done! The picture is tiny here, but click over to flickr and you can see it a little larger (esp. if you go into all sizes). This is the before picture. I took Tuesday and Wednesday off from work for a 5 day weekend (Monday was Patriot's Day - observed only in Maine and Massachusetts) and all I did was rake and rake and rake some more!
My brother helped on Sunday - we got rid of all that rotting wood behind the shed and two truck loads of leaves. Then I borrowed my parents' truck and got rid of another 6 loads of leaves! My nephew will be over tonight to help me move all the crap and cinder blocks from behind the rotting fence to behind the shed (out of sight, out of mind). Then the plan is to take down the fence and when the transfer station starts giving away it's free compost, I'll dump it in that soon to be crap free area and seed it, thus reclaiming a portion of the yard that hasn't been used as actual "yard" space in YEARS!
I'm hoping that I can get the garden tilled tomorrow and the fence up (to fend off any future veggie munching visitors) and possibly get my peas and beans in, as they are getting a bit big for their britches...er...pots on the porch!
As soon as I get the "After" pictures taken, I'll be sure to post!
Oh, I'm hoping to make next week a "Week of Mondays" - miniquilt Mondays, that is. I have a bunch done and photographed...just waiting to be posted!
Have a fantastic weekend!
It reads:
"Dear Mr. McCarthy,
Please read carefully. We are a group of individuals that represent a small foreign faction (well, not that foreign, but foreign enough). We respectively hosted your staff meeting, but thought your lack of cleanliness and absence of memory was very unprofessional. Therefore, we have your John Wayne mug in our possession. It is safe and unharmed at the moment, but if you ever want to see it again, you must follow our instruction to the letter.
You must bring $10,000 Colombian pesos (about $5.47 US) to the President’s Office by noon tomorrow. Leave the money on the table and your mug will be returned to you within two hours. Do not involve the authorities. If you call the police or tell anyone about this, your mug will come back to you in pieces! For the safety of your mug, you must do as we say!
You will be hearing from us.
Hugs and smooches, your friendly neighborhood mug-nappers"
Man, I love my job.
Okay, so I know I haven't been around much, just a little random blogging and practically no visits to other people's blogs or flickr sites...aaaaand I'm about 5 or 6 weeks behind on Mini-Quilt Monday, but soon enough the legislative session will be done and I'll actually have more time to create, take pictures, paint, see friends, have a life, etc. etc.... Anyhoo, despite all the things I need to be doing for work, I have a ton of ideas swirlin' in that brain of mine that have absolutely nothing to do with work...like the tunic and tank patterns I just created the other day and the squeaky snail for dogs that I came up with for my etsy shop and the random doodles that I want to paint on canvas...just because I think it would look funky.
Anyhoo, back to the old grindstone and all that fun stuff.
Hugs and smooches, your friendly neighborhood mugnapper :^)