Had to show off pictures from the midpoint (or what I like to call the "so close to being done, I'm surprised that I'm not yet" point):
Friday night saw my sister, my nephew and I hauling cinderblocks from behind the fence to behind the shed (did you know that cinderblocks gain weight the longer you lug them? Maybe I was just getting weaker with each block, because it sure felt like they went from weighting 10lbs each to 100lbs by the time we finished!!)

(if you click on the picture, you'll see it larger than life)
Saturday, I hauled all the pipe and metal to behind the shed and raked.
I know it's not 100% pretty yet, but it will be soon. I have to figure out what to do with the old cook stove (hiding under the tarp), dismantle the fence and take care of the wood splitter. I was just so tired and sore that I couldn't have done more if I wanted to on Sunday!

I can't wait to see that space totally empty, to get the compost in, seed it and have a lawn again!! I'm giddy with the thought!
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