This was a bittersweet trip...you see, this is my office's last year together. My boss is termed out and will go back to her other job; our Chief of Staff, our policy analyst and our communications director will probably go on to new jobs in the private sector; our secretary will no doubt stay (new leadership would be foolish to ever get rid of her - she's been in her position for more than 20 years. She's a wealth of knowledge!) and who knows what office I will be in...if I'm lucky! Once the elections are over and new leadership is chosen, it will be a whole new ball game.
It makes me very sad; I've never worked with such a close-knit group before! We enjoy working together in the office, but we also enjoy doing things together outside of work. There was never any animosity, no one ever got snappy when stressed, even when things were difficult and chaotic! And everyone is generally interested in what's going on in the others lives. Our relationship as an office isn't just a work relationship...it's a friendship!
We've decided to continue with our yearly trek to Ambajejus Lake, but instead of a Staff Retreat, it will be a reunion. :^)
I know I've said it before, but I am a firm believer that everything that happens, happens for a reason. Like how I buy books years before I ever get around to reading them because obviously, my subconscious knows I need this book even if I'm not ready for it...someday, I will be.
I also believe that until you are meant to do something, the Universe will prevent you from actually doing it...then suddenly *poof* it's time to do that something and there are absolutely no obstacles in your way and you wonder, "Why didn't I do this before?" - uh...'cause you weren't supposed to.
I know you've seen these guys before:
but I've always wanted to sell them at craft shows...like the big ones put on by the United Craftsmen of Maine - such as this weekend's 39th Annual Cumberland Arts & Crafts Show (which I will be missing, unfortunately). Only you have be a member of UCM and in order to do that you have to have a state tax ID number. So I looked into this a few years ago and how to start a business in Maine and can I tell you, I was in CONFUSION CENTRAL! I didn't know what flippin' form to use? I didn't understand what some of the terminology meant and I didn't have the patience to deal with people at Maine Revenue. So I tried selling these guys on Etsy and Ebay and at one rinky dink craft show that was poorly attended. And now I know why there seemed to be so many obstacles in my way...because it wasn't time. I wasn't ready.
Yesterday, I filed for an EIN with the federal gov't...ONLINE! Easy-peasy! And then, I found all the answers to my questions about filing for a state tax ID number...AND FAXED THAT OUT! Now I just have to wait for the State to send me back my info and I'll be sending in my membership application to the United Maine Craftsmen, so that next year, I can rent my space at the various craft shows and get some creations out there!
So Faery Tree Creations will be a real business entity very very soon! How cool is that? And if anyone is saying, "I can't believe you didn't know how to do this earlier" - hush your face, I get frustrated easily! Me and patience...we have a tendency to be like oil and water.
"August rushes by like desert rainfall,
A flood of frenzied upheaval,
But still catching me unprepared.
Like a matchflame
Bursting on the scene,
Heat and haze of crimson sunsets.
Like a dream
Of moon and dark barely recalled,
A moment,
Shadows caught in a blink.
Like a quick kiss;
One wishes for more
But it suddenly turns to leave,
Dragging summer away."
It's only the 1st and I'm already feeling like the days are piling up, so much is happening, so much is planned and there's no time to take a breath, to just sit and enjoy.
I know there is time and I know that I have had many moments of sitting and enjoying this summer, but it's August now. Suddenly there is so much to do; there are trips to be made to camps and shower gifts to be finished and plays to attend and...and there's still so much on that summer wish list!
I still want to steal a Friday and wander around Portland with Juli, I still want to make summery treats and go to the beach just once and create that fire pit in the yard that I probably won't use until fall and really get that backyard in shape (though my brother is all over that - he's done so much out there. I'll have to take some pictures!)...oh and I want to fix the screens on my porch so I can sleep out there on those unbearably hot August nights (I'm terribly jealous of Cathy and my boss & her husband with their outdoor/porch beds).
Here's to making time to do all those things I want to do, spending time with friends and really enjoying myself. I want to look back at this summer and say, "Wow - what a great summer", not "Oh, I wish I'd done this or this or that."
Happy weekend, all!