Home renovations were on the agenda for my 4 day weekend...and though I did manage to clean my house and clean out a bedroom in the attempt to start sheet rocking, renovation took a backseat to sudden quilt inspiration.
It almost always happens like that - suddenly and overwhelmingly. An idea takes hold and I'm a slave to creativity, then I get bored with the project...well, not really bored. I think it's more that the Muse has left and I can go no further on that particular project until the Muse deigns to make another appearance. I decided to make the Pink and Green Quilt
last year around this time, collected my fabric between then and the start of 2007. I managed to get a good start on it
in April. And today, I'm happy to announce...

I was on such a roll last night that I finished the last 7 rows and started the frame around the center medallion. Then this morning, I free motion quilted the medallion on to the top and it was done!

I knew it would be big, but I don't think I was fully prepared to see the actual finished size! It's slightly larger than a king. Which means that I have absolutely no place to lay it flat in order to sandwich and pin it the 3 layers!

As soon as the Mail Man arrives, ending my impatient wait for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, I'm heading to the Lake with this beauty of a quilt top where it will be spread across my Mother's living room floor (the only room in either of our houses that will accomodate the size - well it was either that or my sister's garage floor...and that's just a little too dirty). Of course, finishing this quilt will have to wait until Harry has been read (which would normally take 3 days of nonstop reading, but I have to work on Monday and Tuesday - ugh!).
Have a great rest of the weekend and to those who share in the Harry Potter love, happy reading!
Oh my gawd, woman, you are a machine! So very very special...
Happy reading - I'm sure you wouldn't be the only person calling in sick with a sudden case of HPDH on Monday if the mood did strike. :)
it's sooooooooooo beautiful!!!
I'm glad you are a Harry Potter fan too. I lined up for my copy at 9am on Saturday (Melbourne's official launch time). I had to wait 45 minutes for my copy and I've been glued to it for nearly every minute since then. Though I have forced myself to do a few other jobs in-between so that I can stretch out the joy of reading it for just that little bit longer. Enjoy reading it your end. And enjoy your quilting creative bug extravaganza as well.
And happy reading to you too!
I am trying not to rush through it too much... I just don't want to reach the end. Withdrawals already, eekk!
see you, g xo
that is an absolutely fantastic quilt. where do you get the patience for these things? :) fab!
Its beautiful!
Thank you so much, everyone! After I finished it, I had one of those "I really made this? Wow, I really DID make this!" moments.
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