Thursday, November 13, 2008

Releasing the fear and uncertainty, because in the end, it will all work out...

or so I keep telling myself.

The only bad thing about working in the political arena is that every two years, there is the potential for a complete and major shake up. I survived the last one (happening only a year after I came to work in my current office) because my boss wasn't termed out as a Senator. This year, she is. And now that new Leadership has been elected, the questions begin, the rumors fly and fear and uncertainty set in.

Last week, I had so many people say, "Oh don't worry. They'd be crazy not to keep you on in this office" (refering to new leadership). By Friday, I became increasingly aware that my position in this office was going to go to someone else. For the entire weekend, I slept horribly; everytime I thought about not having a job, I felt sick and on Monday, I spent the day with a boulder of terror in the pit of my stomach.

Tuesday, thankfully, was a day off (Veteran's Day) and a strange sensation of calm started settling in. It was a weird feeling, but at the same time, a very welcome feeling. For a while, my mantra had been "My job is secure, my job is secure, my job is secure"...intent upon staying in this office. But now, new possibilities are presenting themselves and the dawning realization of just how many people are looking out for my well being as I hear "I put in a good word for you with this person," "I overheard so and so telling that person what a great job you did in this office and how they should seriously consider you." So far I've heard that several people have given the right people glowing reviews of my can't imagine the appreciation I feel having these people in my life, for going to the links that they're going to to make sure that I have a place here when the new Legislative session begins.

Keep your fingers crossed for me!

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