today is friday and the sun was practically shining at 5 am and when my stereo came on, it was playing good music, enough to wake me gently and set me into a relaxed, calm mood. the morning walk was quiet, with warm sun and a very well behaved sadie! breakfast...oh, breakfast was leisurely and splendid. i roast my own coffee, so it brewed up a heavenly scent as i made a two egg and cheese omelet with eggs from melissa's chickens.

I don't often photograph my food, but couldn't resist. this was by far and away, the best cheese omelet i've ever made. oh how yummy! fresh eggs are infinitely better than store bought eggs. the size, the rich gold of the yolk; they make store boughts seem puny and inferior. i'm reluctant to ever buy store bought again. i think i need to start buying fresh eggs every week!
to continue my tale, the shower was perfect, i put on jeans to wear to work because its friday and no one will care. i left the house on time and the great gods of construction were working with me this morning rather than against me, as they really hadn't started working on the roads yet. i sailed through and to work with enough time to go get a smoothie. then!! then, since my boss isn't here today, i got to park in her spot right close to the building and 4 people are off today, while 3 are coming in much later! it is truly quiet and peaceful in here, giving me the opportunity to write this. today will be one of those rare "gimme" days, a freebie where no one really expects you to work and if you do, they're amazed! i love days like's a guilt free, wearing jeans to the office, slacker day!
well, i do have to work a little. make some scheduling phone calls, set up a meeting, do a memo regarding some study appointments, call my ever so wonderful boss (no i'm not being sarcastic, she's really great!!)...simple things that. maybe today will be a "leave at 4 and get a jump start on the holiday weekend" day! one can hope!
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