So this week, I made a conscious effort to check everything off the list by last night. Laundry, dishes, vacuuming, wood, bathroom, living room, dining room, kitchen...all done and cleaned! I woke up at 7:30 (slept in for two hours - whoo hoo!!) and took Sadie on a leisurely Sunday morning walk. I made cinnamon buns for breakfast (something I haven't done in sooooo long). I sat at my recently cleaned off (and cleaned out under) kitchen table with it's bright and cheery table cloth. I ate cinnamon buns and yogurt, drank tea and flipped through a magazine with a little Damien Rice playing...even the animals left me alone until I finished my breakfast (something unheard of in this house, what with the moochy cats and dog that I have!).
I have the day to myself. I created Week 4 of my mini-quilts last night (as you will see tomorrow or right now if you go to flickr). There is absolutely nothing that needs my immediate attention today. I can do whatever I want - draw, or read. I could paint, or go for a drive or plan my garden for the coming season. Or I could do nothing at all. My options are endless right now.
What will I do with myself?

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