Yes, I know that not all of my triangles and diamonds show perfectly, but hey, it's the first time I've ever done it...and I really don't recommend making super teeny tiny 1" square triangles your first time out - they were a bitch to stitch (and even more of a bitch to iron, unless you have a small iron meant primarily for quilting).
"Patience is a Virtue" was born out slowing down, reading directions and ironing every seam, with my blood and spit going into every corner of this little block, literally - I kinda cut the knuckle of my thumb with the rotary cutter (don't ask, I'm a whiz a cutting myself with scissors and cutters or stabbing myself with needles and pins). It bled like crazy, to the point where I had to stop what I was doing and get a band-aid!

Anyhoo, happy Monday!
wishing you a happy day and sending loads and loads of love :)*
Lacking in patience? Me too, me too.
Wishing you a little calmness and more, g xx
What an apt title for your new quilt. Hope your thumb is ok, if not then you could always re-title the quilt too"the one I cut my thumb while making". xo lj
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