My mother also knit me a fabulous purple sparkly scarf and made me a quilt...well, she started me a quilt. She still needs to sandwich and stitch it. I just don't have pictures of either of these, yet.
Tomorrow, I pack up the four wheel drive sleigh and head for the Lake. Four days of enjoying the season, of sipping hot cocoa and munching Christmas cookies, of watching t.v. specials from my childhood and relaxing...I can't wait!
And just to show off...John's quilt: And the Quilt Shop Room Box for Mum:
I made pretty much everything in this roombox, save for the hutch and the chair. I'm quite proud of it - can't wait for Mum to see it!
What changed my mind? Besides yet another blogger writing about their favorite Christmas album? Amazon.com - it was front and center for Christmas related recommendations. I exclaimed to the Universe, "FINE! I GIVE UP! I'LL LISTEN AGAIN! IT'S OBVIOUSLY WHAT YOU WANT!"
So I listened to the brief intro's to each song...then I went to iTunes. I do enjoy his stlye and I liked enough of the songs to justify downloading the whole album.
So I guess sometimes it really does take a second listen.
And here's a little gratuitous cuteness: I often find them sleeping like this - Nym snuggled in close to Sadie, sometimes back to back, sometimes him curled into her belly. This morning he was purring like an engine and kneading her back paw and only occasionally would she wince at the needle sharp claws. She's so good with him.
(click on the cartoon to actually read it)
Off to play Betty Crocker this weekend in a little show called, "Holiday Baking" playing exclusively in my kitchen, to an audience of one (my niece). Mountains o' cookies and Rice Krispies houses, here we come!
Oh, I finished the swag for the office mantle, too! Every year, we spend waaaay too much money to have my boss' office decorated for the holiday season (I didn't realize just how much until this morning - lets just say I could pay rent for a month!). A florist comes in, hangs wreaths, does a mantle swag, brings in about 8 poinsettias and a vase of fresh flowers. Last year they went rather skimpy on the decorating. I mean it looked nice, it smelled very Christmasy, but for what they were paid...there wasn't much. So this year, in the spirit of cutting unnecessary expenses from our budget, a few of us decided to pitch in and decorate the office ourselves. I made the swag from greenery cut from my sister's house, pine cones from my neighbor's, cinnamon sticks and red ball ornaments that I had on hand and ribbon that I spent all of $2 on (and it's waaaay better than the one from last year, if I do say so myself). Marcia will be getting poinsettias and Lisa said she'd make us a wreath. If I get ambitious this weekend, I may make up some small wreaths or something to hang on the windows.
You can see in the side by side, last year's Christmas decor and this year's mantle swag. Click on the picture to enlarge it some (and look at the mantle on the left, you'll probably have to squint - skimpy I tell ya!). Wait...that doesn't work - click here.
My office is celebrating Hanukkah at Deb's tonight (I love multicultural holiday celebrations - Hanukkah with Deb, Christmas with my family, Yule on my own!).
Enjoy your Thursday!
This is it...this is what's left. This is so totally do-able by December 22! I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to those 4 precious days of doing nothing but enjoying the holiday!
(oh, we did get out of work early yesterday! I was able to play in the snow with Sadie, shovel, stitch up the last rice bag and Maddie's quilt. I love snow days!)
Yesterday, I did make myself the tree skirt that I’ve been wanting. And I did it without a pattern. I love those kind of projects, especially when they turn out really well! As you can see, it has been Nymmie tested...
and approved.