I'm a little weirded out, right now, though. You see, normally by mid-august I start having these "Oh my god summer is over and I didn't do anything and what am I doing with my life and why am I still here in this state when there are a million opportunities out there for me somewhere esle, what's keeping me here?" (only jam the words together and say them really fast without stopping for a breath) thoughts; it's that Autumn Expectation feeling - the feeling that I need to go somewhere and do something different and start over. But, so far, that feeling hasn't come...which is so weird because that feeling ALWAYS comes. Rather than that feeling of change and upheaval, though, there is this calm sense of...smooth sailing, I guess; it's like on a subconscious level, I know that everything is working itself out properly and falling into place at just the right moment for me. I'm not used to that feeling this time of year; it's wonderful!
It all started in January when I started a better paying job, doing something that I enjoy and everything else just seemed to follow:
- my brother moved in, so I'm not feeling strapped for cash
- I've had plenty of time off to enjoy this summer
- I got to hang out with friends and wander around Portland, Rockland and Damariscotta
- Saw a musical with my mother
- hit the farmer's market often
- started making bread regularly
- learned how to make preserves and can dilly beans
- camped outside on Ambajejus Lake, hung out with my office peeps, went to Baxter State Park, saw a moose, turtles, foxes, and learned about birds from my boss' husband
- hung out with my sister & her friends, took a hike to a spectacular waterfall and saw people white water rafting
- went swimming
- joined Weight Watchers and lost 25 lbs!
- cut my long hair short and dyed it for the first time in 5 years
- planted my garden (and built a fence around it by myself)
- cleared out my backyard with the help of my sister, my nephew and a lot of help from my brother (who really has done more than his fair share!)
- did all the tax requirements to make Faery Tree Creations a real business entity and started working on stuff to sell
- saw and hung out with family that I hadn't seen in over 4 years
- enjoyed many evenings reading on the porch
- bought a new camera
I feel like I've done so much already this year and it seems that any issues that arise, quickly resolve themselves...like:
- the issue we had about not getting firewood in time to dry out before winter (because of some jerk who was taking advantage of the rising wood prices and didn't deliver the 10 cord of wood that Mum ordered at the beginning of July at $180 a cord). It was resolved last night - 3 cord are on their way in the next week or so (at a higher price unfortunately, but oh well) and my brother just found some guy giving away wood for FREE! (about 3 cord, trees and thick branches, 4 foot lengths)...so now we will have more than I orginally planned for!
- the thought that I wasn't going to be able to afford the trip to Massachusetts for my cousin's wedding in October based on hotel room prices, gas prices, etc. etc. but I talked to my sister last night and she, my niece and I are going to ride down together, share a room and split the costs! Score!
- my worry about the rising cost of...well...everything, has now been countered with the realization that next month is a 3 paycheck month and I will have enough money to pay off my truck loan, thus reducing my monthly bills! WHOO-HOO!! Which means that there will be even more "extra" money each month (aside from what I am saving having my brother live at the house)
See - everything is falling into place at the right moment. Now I just need the worry about retaining my job after elections to resolve itself positively and in my favor (as in, leadership is impressed with my job performance, keeps me in this job and gives me a raise on top of that)!
Alright, enough with the ridiculously long post - I'm cutting out of work early on some firewood related business, so enjoy your Thursday folks!
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