the last of this sandwich, though not inspiring to look at right now started off very colorful and interesting, with it's bright cranberries and leafy green lettuce and golden bread (and if it hadn't smelled so yummy and if i hadn't been so hungry, i would have taken a picture of it when it was whole...too late!).
the little snackbar at my work makes the best chicken salad sandwich, called the "chicken coop". it starts off as 2 pieces of homemade apple cranberry bread, which gets slathered with chicken salad, topped with cranberries and walnuts and romaine lettuce....oh it is yummy. messy but yummy.
in further experimenting with driving pictures, i took these last night on my way out to melissa's to visit. they are veryvery blurry, but the patterns of light that oncoming cars and car brake lights make while snapped in motion are very interesting! this one is odd to me; there is an electric green streak off to the left and i cannot for the life of me figure out what it is! any thoughts?
and during my lunch, while i devoured this glorious sandwich, i had a chance to wander through some flickr pages and found junkado, whose photos are so amazing, but the titles of each one are even better! like, quirky smile funny and laugh out loud funny. i highly recommend checking them out!
well, must dash! phone calls to make, people to meet, letters to type, yada yada yada.
i hope it's as sunny and bright your way as it is here in maine!
Hi Tiffany,
Thanks for sharing your photos, it's fun to see our surrounds... they are so different to mine.
Cheers, lj
ps. Seeing your sandwich is making me hungry.
Oh yes, food can definitely be inspiring!
Sadly I can't partake in such a sandwich today... I've just returned from the dentist and have two fillings on the lower right. Oh, the agony! I can only eat on the one side... very tentative little chews. However tomorrow, when all is repaired, this is exactly what I'll be eating (well, similar).
see you, g
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