I am happy to say that Juli's computer quilt is DONE (and as you can see, the camera is back in business)!
I have to say that I did cheat. I didn't bind it; I did the Eleanor Burns sandwich, stitch and pull right side out method (so much faster). I just really despise binding!

When I started the computer quilt, my idea was to fold up the bottom of the quilt to create a pocket that your feet go into. Yeah...that didn't work and looked very dorky! So I revamped the idea and came up with a better way to create a place for your feet. The bottom corners of the quilt have button holes (you can see two buttons on the back of the quilt in the next picture. Just more of those wonderful buttons from Paula - I have used those on so many things!). You button the right corner to the right button, the left corner to the left button and the bottom of your quilt forms a point. On either side of that point on the back of the quilt, 2 pockets are created. You slide your feet into those pockets, wrap the quilt around you and sit down. Now you're toasty warm!
Here is the back - you can just see the free motion butterflies. I was very nervous about free motion quilting a design. I'm a good one for squiggles, stippling and spirals, but nothing else. I did use a pattern and made several practice butterflies to get the tensions just right.
Here's an up close of the b'fly on the quilt top
And this is the start of Fran's computer quilt. I've got to cut out 4 more silhouettes, but half the size of this and with different images to block off this center image. I'm so in love with this fabric (it's a Nancy Crow - her stuff rocks. I used her fabric in this)! I wish I bought another couple yards of it ! 

I have a few more projects in the works (Christmas presents for family) that I need to photograph and share. My fascination with miniatures has lead me to create a room box for my mother and my aunt of a quilt shop. I've painted 2 little hutches, created mini bolts of fabric, mini fat quarters, mini spools of thread and a mini magazine spinner complete with quilt books so far. I have several more ideas that need creating and thankfully, Mum fixed the scroll saw yesterday so I can start playing this weekend.
So for those of you who get Columbus Day (Canadian Thanksgiving) off, I wish you a happy three day weekend! For everyone else, I wish you a happy regular weekend!
I love this - it's beautiful AND the feet pocket? You are a genius.
Your quilt looks great, what an enormous project. I wouldn't know where to start with making a quilt. I do love them though. xo lj
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