Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Tuesday, October 30, 2007
56 Days

I can no longer chastise my mother for listening to Christmas music early. While listening to my media player at work, it went from Neko Case right on into a Christmas playlist and I didn’t realize it until I started singing along with Johnny Mathis halfway through the playlist. I was so involved in the work I was doing, that any and all music became background music.
You know, I didn’t intentionally put it on and I didn’t even realize I was listening to it right away…so it doesn’t count…right? Right?
It's the Great Pumpkin!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
Lunch Hour
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Sunrise Walk

Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Itty Bitty Kitty Update
Itty Bitty Kitty has gone bye bye. :^(
His owner came to claim him last night. It was sad to see that little bundle of cuteness go, but I had to.
When I called it a "him", his owner said "No, she's a girl"...I laughed and asked, "Are you sure?" - apparently they haven't taken it to the vet yet - the owner assured me that it was a girl. My my, are they in for a surprise! :^)
But this was a great thing to have happened. I've made the decision to get another kitty and I already have two phone numbers of people offering up free kittens!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Itty Bitty Kitty

They look so much alike, she could be his mother!
If someone comes to claim him, I will of course give him back...but part of me hopes that no one claims him - is that bad? And even if someone claims him, maybe this is the Universe's way of telling me it's time to get another kitty. You see, I wasn't supposed to be home last night. Monday is the weekly dinner and t.v. night at Juli's house, but I begged off last night. I had some work to do and my house needed to be cleaned (still needs to be cleaned) and a bed to put back together before Mum and Dad come back up on Thursday...so I called Juli to say I wasn't coming out. I don't believe in coincidence - all things happen for a reason; I think my staying home last night was to be introduced to this sweet little thing and to come to the realization that it may be time for a new family member to be welcomed to Mount Vernon Street.
We'll see what happens; we'll make signs tonight. I've already put an add in the paper. We'll see...
Monday, October 22, 2007
Mr. Sycamore

Thursday, October 18, 2007
Yesterday Wrap Up and More on the Room Box
But yesterday really was a red letter day! I had a smile on my face till I went to bed. I mean I got my step increase, the new job within my office that I wanted, I ordered cable (the very basic – I’m having issues with my rotary antenna and now I will have a clear picture on all stations. WHOO HOO!), my truck will be getting an oil change and a front end alignment next Tuesday and by the end of the month, I’ll have more than enough money to buy 4 new tires for my truck, which will make it pass inspection! I know, those sound like minor things, but when they weigh on you like a lead brick because you’re worried your vehicle won’t make it through a Maine winter – it’s a major thing. I feel like I can breathe now!
I also wanted to share picts of the “test” room box that I made, the completed cutting table set up and the finished magazine spinner:

I was hoping to make these roomboxes up this weekend, but Mum and Dad are coming up to help me sheet rock. Guess they'll have to wait until Monday!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Anyhoo, gotta go spread my good news to the rest of my family and friends!
Happy Wednesday!
Friday, October 12, 2007
Fran's Quilt

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Wednesday, October 10, 2007
What A Bag!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Autumn Eye Candy from Maine

Monday, October 08, 2007
Read the Directions, Even if You Don't Follow Them
One of his pieces of advice was "Read the directions, even if you don't follow them."
I am a doer, not a direction reader and have been known to say (and quite often), "Directions? We don't need no stinkin' directions!"
My mother is known for persistent asking, "did you read the directions" (when she's talking to me, this is normally followed by "God, you have no patience!") Since this email, she has taken to quoting Mr. Vonnegut's little piece of advice back to me ad nauseum, like it justifies 30 (31 next month) years of asking me this question (okay, so maybe not 30/31 years, but since I could read and comprehend).
Recently, I was trying to put a new blade into the scroll saw sitting in my garage. I'm fiddling around with it and finally, frustrated, I pick up the phone and call my parents (long distance).
*My Ma: "I don't remember, it's been a while since I used it. Mark, she wants to know how you change the blade on the scroll saw. Here talk to your father." She passes the phone to Dad. He starts explaining about loosening this screw and that and doing this and doing that. Yeah...not making much sense to me, as I cradle the phone on my shoulder to still listen to my dad and continue to fiddle with the damn thing. Then faintly, in the background, I hear the voice of my mother repeat that time honored question, "ask her if she read the directions".
*My Dad: "Did you read the directions?"
*Me: "Uh...no," and he tells me where they are. So I actually read the directions and yeah, still not working. And by this time, I'm just cranky enough that I'm cursing the scroll saw and this gets me a "God, you have no patience" from my mother. Needless to say, I didn't fix the scroll saw.
My Ma stopped in at my house the other day and lickety split, changed the blade. What is it about a parents' ability to understand directions better than their children? Is it something that just happens when you have kids? Do you suddenly develop the patience needed to read directions? I don't have children yet, so I don't know.
Anyhoo, this whole story really is leading up to something. After a week without my camera, I was playing with it (I've owned this camera for almost 2 years) and I pressed a button and it did something new...it took a super clear and marvelous picture of something really close up! I was psyched. Where was this button before? Why didn't I know that I had this ability to take such amazing close up shots? Oh...yeah...I never read the directions, I just started playing with it.
So I guess Kurt Vonnegut's advice is sound. And I guess from now on I should take a couple of deep breaths, reign in my frustration and "read the directions", even if I don't follow them. Now, I wonder where the book to my camera is...

Friday, October 05, 2007
One Down, Three To Go

When I started the computer quilt, my idea was to fold up the bottom of the quilt to create a pocket that your feet go into. Yeah...that didn't work and looked very dorky! So I revamped the idea and came up with a better way to create a place for your feet. The bottom corners of the quilt have button holes (you can see two buttons on the back of the quilt in the next picture. Just more of those wonderful buttons from Paula - I have used those on so many things!). You button the right corner to the right button, the left corner to the left button and the bottom of your quilt forms a point. On either side of that point on the back of the quilt, 2 pockets are created. You slide your feet into those pockets, wrap the quilt around you and sit down. Now you're toasty warm!

I have a few more projects in the works (Christmas presents for family) that I need to photograph and share. My fascination with miniatures has lead me to create a room box for my mother and my aunt of a quilt shop. I've painted 2 little hutches, created mini bolts of fabric, mini fat quarters, mini spools of thread and a mini magazine spinner complete with quilt books so far. I have several more ideas that need creating and thankfully, Mum fixed the scroll saw yesterday so I can start playing this weekend.
So for those of you who get Columbus Day (Canadian Thanksgiving) off, I wish you a happy three day weekend! For everyone else, I wish you a happy regular weekend!