Thursday, May 31, 2007
Clothes Horse

Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Strawberry Rhubarb Pie

Monday, May 28, 2007
What I did on my Memorial Day Weekend...
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Bowdoinham Library's Annual Plant Sale 2007
I was so happy with all my purchases and just had to share with all of you (my mother and my sister were so happy, they bought so much stuff)!
Now I need to go to bed...I'm heading to New Hampshire tomorrow with my boss for a meeting with the Senate Presidents and Speakers of the House from Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. I leave you with a picture of my computer buddy. Anytime I try to work on the computer at home, she is either in my lap or sitting in front of the monitor giving me this look; it's the "Pay attention to me...right now...or else" look.
Until Tuesday!
Thursday, May 17, 2007
1 year ago today, you came into being.
You’ve documented my gardening, my quilt projects, my foray into Capri making and drawing.
You’ve witnessed destruction and rebirth, seasonal changes in Maine and many, many blatant promotions of doggie and kitty cuteness.
There have been ups and downs and everything in-between…and through it all, you’ve been there.
So raise a glass, one and all, in honor of Musings From Mt. Vernon Street.
To another year and to all that it may bring!
Monday, May 14, 2007
Traveling to Sri Lanka...by way of Maine
This time around, we’re surrounded by the photographs of John Beebe from Freeport, Maine.
His work is amazing! He spent a year long sabbatical in Sri Lanka and came away with the most fantastic of images. I wish I could take pictures of his photographs to show you, but they just don’t come out right (too much glare from the lights and window).
This one is my favorite. I want to transform her into an art quilt! She looks so knowing, like she has seen so much in her life.
Unfortunately, my other favorite is not on his website. I'd try to explain it, but just wouldn't do it justice - you really have to see it!
Check out his site - it's well worth your time to take the travel to Sri Lanka. Enjoy!
Friday, May 11, 2007

Cool, gentle breeze
The scent of flowers just beginning to bloom
The sound of mourning doves cooing, crows calling off in the distance and the first sprinkler of the season making its “Chuh, Chuh, Chuh” sound as it rains down on a neighboring lawn
A soft quiet evening, just me and Sadie, roaming in the gloaming
Enjoy the weekend

Thursday, May 10, 2007
The Forgetting Room by Nick Bantock
Book Description (from the inside cover)
When his grandfather dies, Armon inherits the family home in Ronda, Spain, and finds himself trying to unravel the surreal conundrum his grandfather has left for him. Armon begins to remember his childhood art lessons, and gradually, as his grandfather's studio takes hold of him, he finds himself pulled, day by day, toward a most extraordinary elliptic link with his past.
Binding art and text in a narrative marriage, Nick Bantock takes us to the Forgetting Room, where he teases us through a tale of discovery, revenge, alchemy, and Moorish legend.
The Forgetting Room has been described as “equal parts diary, novel, artistic work-in-progress and surrealist game” and I have to agree. It's an artistic adventure into the mind of the main character. It's mentally visually stunning, if that makes sense. As you read, you become Armon; you see what he sees, you feel what he feels and the urge to paint, to collage, to create is overwhelming.
It can be a little disjointed at times, but if you can overlook that - it's magical.
It's funny too (huh-funny, not ha-ha funny), that I would happen upon this book now. I've really been getting interested in collage art. I mean, I've done collage before, but it wasn't really my thing. Lately, I've been drawn more and more to it. And then to find this book on my bookshelf...well, I knew it was on the shelf. I'd looked at it a million times, but I never picked it up to read it. You see, it belonged to my ex and must have been thrown into my box of books when I moved out 5 years ago. When I started unpacking my books last fall, I put it on the shelf, thinking that maybe someday I'd read it. But I just couldn't bring myself to read it...it was Pete's...and everything that once belonged to Pete held too many memories for far too long.
But broke down and finally read it. And I loved it! I highly recommend it.
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Composty Goodness
The local landfill collects leaves, branches and yard waste all year long, and then each spring gives away the compost and wood chips created from them for free. You’re allowed two truck loads while they have it, all you have to do is drive in and they will fill the bed with their bucket loader. How cool is that?
Since I had to work today (and tonight), my mother went to the landfill for me, filled my Dad's truck and my brother is going to unload it tonight on my back hill near where the raised beds are going (I’m so glad I didn’t get the raised beds in this past weekend - hooray for procrastination!).
So I've been talking about reclaiming my backyard since last summer. Want to see what I have to work with? Please keep in mind that my Dad is the über-packrat and I have inherited much of his junk since he and my mother moved to a smaller house:

Behind my shed = my new fencing, 2 metal oil drums, my ladder and a ton of old rotting wood that my Dad thought he'd one day use
My back hill ~ as of Saturday morning, this was covered in leaves, downed branches, boards, pipes, scrap metal and plastic gutters (look how clean it is now. The arching branches belong to the lilac bush that is older than I am)
The old fence that needs to come down, a ton of bricks and cement blocks (all the pipe, plastic gutters and scrap metal is still sitting here waiting to find a home - preferrably in someone else's yard!)
The dregs of my wood pile, the old wood splitter that needs to go, along with the cable coil that Dad will never use
So this is my backyard ~ it's scary and very hillbilly-ish. I wasn't going to show anyone pictures of this, but I want to document the before and afters. If it wasn't for my brother's help and motivation, the three truck loads of brush, leaves and branches that we got rid of this past weekend wouldn't have been removed.
There is still a lot to do, but its a good start! And every time I walk out back I get giddy; the vision I hold in my mind of how I want it to look is getting clearer and clearer
I leave you with images of my sweet Sadie enjoying the warmth of the late afternoon sun (the top left is my fav). Enjoy your evening!